Back to Inner Peace
The best defense is a good
Tips recommended by defense
Project confidence. Keep your
head up, scan your surroundings.
Criminals will violate a
victim's personal space as a common test for compliance, so be
Walk to your car or house with
keys in your hand.
Never walk or jog wearing
Carry a decoy wallet
about $20 and old receipts (nothing with your name or address). If
confronted by a mugger, pull the decoy out, throw it and run.
Carry improvised weapons:
keys, or other sharp items.
...although, remember
what Eisenhower said when he was Supreme Allied Commander, "Planning is
everything, the plan is nothing".
Article: Fighting attacker often safer than submitting, say
experts a b
1 2 * 3 Lawrence a b Gwen * 4 a
local ( history * ) 5 6 7 8 9 why more ? (rare,
but possible *
theft a b from
Public Wi-Fi
internet terminals
and identity
theft 1
2 3
Book: Fear Less: Real Truth about Risk, Safety, and
Security in a
time of Terrorism * War on Terrorism 1 2 Operation : Iraqi Freedom * , when we lost them ( Iraqi civilians ), our troops a
b c d
e f g h
@ war collateral damage and $ costs , Mom's soldier and child * , Abu Ghraib
a b c , Guantanamo Bay * , insurgency * , equipment , Stop-Loss
, rebuilding , history ( Reflections of The Vietnam War
* ) , veterans ( more * )
WAR stories
* NOW , and our possible future 1 2 3 4 after 9/11 .
Worldfocus : Middle Eastern
World Link Iraq news
can count on America to do the right thing, after they have tried
everything else. - Winston
Churchill more
Homeland activist 1
2 3*
( more * ) The
U. S. of A. * : Gov. 101 ( pdf ) See an Independent Lens view of the late sixties San
Francisco area.
Reporting Hate
Crimes Anti-Muslim 1 2 3 4 ( good advice for everyone ) affirmative action 1 2
3 a b c We are
not criminals Out4Immigration 4 a b c
viewpoints 1 *
2 3 *
4 Arizona a b c
(more history) It’s
not only immigrants who will have to carry papers in Arizona. Anyone
likely to be questioned (read: anyone with brown skin) will have to
carry an ID if he wants to ensure he will not be detained. * law
I Just Tell You?
Helpful publications from the ACLU for
Constitution of the United States and
Bill of Rights
violations more
info 1 * 2 3 4 * 5
Article: Business is booming for bodyguards ( an
anti-terrorist career 1 2 3
4 5
The best defense:
A personal safety Martial Arts technique: S.I.N.G.
local Home Security :
surveillance equipment : webfile * Slingbox
video (DVR)
LGBT military community
* ( more
communities *
) It's about the one
of more than 10,000 * Don't
ask, don't tell *, Don't
Be All You Can Be ex-millitary
personnel. A cadet's story
Pace voices regrets over calling
homosexuality immoral.
In memoriam: Barry Winchell 1977-1999 ( learn more )
Commanders and Command in Chief of our military forces : Please treat our professionally trained, dedicated, and American * example
lesbian, and bisexual soldiers *,
are also willing to risk
their lives for their
country, as
celebrate repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'
considers ROTC
Spirit equals
divided by Texas Christian morals minus respect for
all sexual orientations.
People, especially
children, being self aware, can take it personally; as a reflection of
you feel
any type of mistreated like harassment: make a
detailed note, with a picture
or recording if necessary, of the
who, what, when, where, why, and witnesses. Who saw what
happened? Get their name if they
seem to want to help, as the fees and donations received by the
YMCA afford them the administrators and lawyers who are able
to disprove hate and discrimination by their staff and employees. Don't
let them beat you down * !
If the YMCA insists on
doing this to you, or to any of your family
members, sue them in court for discriminatory
practices which are illegal *. Their Moral
Order is no match for a nation
of laws that call for the separation
of church and state
* which
are necessary if you are a male
having a
gay lifestyle, a female who prefers being lesbian, a bisexual
who enjoys dating both guys and gals, and are sociable by talking about
your work and family life while
doing you're routine, without being ostracized *
and called
by their
staff. Report any employee or member
who harasses or causes trouble with their
actions, comments, or
inflames people by gossiping
or spreading rumors. Finally, if you
feel it necessary, take your documentation to your parent, guardian, or
the authorities such as the police department.
Do the same for
safety violations.
I notified
manager of a lack of attentiveness by a Palo Alto Family YMCA
He said he would bring the subject up in the next
meeting. But less than a year later, a female
in the pool,
found dead
by an
attending lifeguard who was known to have stare downs with poolside
If the Page Mill
Road YMCA and the Palo Alto Family YMCA
do not comply, by respecting and treating people fairly, they
will have to
cease doing business in this city."
Palo Alto resident who attended Camp Campbell
and Mammoth Lakes "
Y " camps, " YMCA" member from 1969 - 2005,
Palo Alto schools,
4th though 12th
grade, student, and anti-war flower
child, who
grew up in Palo
Alto during the late 60 's and 70
's, who is also a YMCA
survivor still believing in peace
* and
a free
country. Be yourself.
Be someone who
you want to be.
Dream as big as
you want to.
Only In America by BROOKS & DUNN
Kosher - don't
you have that in Islam, too? video (documentaries and reports)
Remember the Titans (a classic movie)
Friday Night Lights (TV series)
LGBT Equality
can be days, or possibly weeks, when the job duties of a peace officer,
police officer, sheriff, or Highway Patrolman (or woman), can be
overwhelming and thus beyond average human endurance. Both
thoughtful patience and knowing your rights 1 2 a
* b
c 3 *
, will surely be to your benefit.
But remember that " anything you say " can and will be used to
fight crime.
You never quit, you never give up.
you believe in justice, you keep
on going.
Quote from Johnnie Cochran when interviewed on
There is no them.
is America.
is only an us. "
Quote from a speech on equallty given by President Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton
Truth *,
Justice, and the
American Way
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